April 26, 2010


Subject:    Review of Chancellor Marye Anne Fox

Dear Colleagues,

The Academic Senate participates in the President's periodic review of the leadership of each campus's Chancellor, providing the President with faculty perspectives on the Chancellor's performance. The reviews occur every five years.

It is now time for a review of Chancellor Fox's stewardship of UC San Diego. I am writing to support President Yudof's request for your participation in this process by submitting a letter with your comments on Chancellor Fox's leadership to the Ad Hoc Review Committee charged with coordinating the review.

The Ad Hoc Review Committee is composed of five Academic Senate members, three from UC San Diego and two from other UC campuses; one of the latter chairs the Committee. Because systemwide Academic Senate Chair Henry Powell is from this campus, Chancellor Fox's review will be coordinated by systemwide Senate Vice Chair Daniel Simmons. UC San Diego Committee members were selected by Vice Chair Daniel Simmons from a list provided by our Division's Committee on Committees. He selected the remaining two members from a list provided by the University Committee on Committees. Committee members will remain anonymous except to Vice Chair Simmons and President Yudof, unless the Division requests that the Committee conduct interviews.

Committee members will depend substantially on letters from the UC San Diego faculty in preparing their report. The "Criteria for the Guidance of Chancellorial Review Committees" is posted on the Senate's website ( so that you may comment on the qualities of the Chancellor's performance that the Ad Hoc Review Committee will consider. For her stewardship review, Chancellor Fox has provided a report of her activities and accomplishments ( and a shorter, two-page summary of "administrative highlights" (, both of which you may find helpful.

All correspondence and discussion concerning the review will be kept confidential. Only Committee members, the President, and the Vice Chair of the systemwide Academic Senate will see the original correspondence. The Chancellor is entitled by law to request copies of the letters on which the review is based. All identifying information in letters submitted, such as letterhead and signature blocks, will be removed. However, the text itself will not be redacted in any way.

Please address your letter to UC San Diego Chancellor Confidential Review Committee, c/o Martha Winnacker, Executive Director, Academic Senate, UCOP, 1111 Franklin St., 12th floor, Oakland, CA 94607, or by email to We are requesting all letters by May 21, 2010. It is essential that the committee receive input that is broad-based and representative of the UC San Diego faculty. This is an opportunity to participate in shared governance at its best. Your participation will be greatly appreciated.


William S. Hodgkiss, Chair
Academic Senate, San Diego Division