May 24, 2010

(Excluding UCSD Medical Center)

SUBJECT:    UCSD Desktop Shipping Center

Mail Services is pleased to announce that the UCSD Desktop Shipping Center is now available for campus use replacing the paper based express mail billing and payment process.
The Desktop Shipping Center is an easy to use web-based application that allows users to compare rates between carriers and services, track packages, and maintain records of transactions. Carrier shipping labels are printed from a desktop computer to a plain paper printer, billings are paid electronically, and charges are automatically paid to a user designed index code(s).
In addition to the above benefits, UCOP entered into Systemwide agreements with the express mail providers for discounted rates. These rates were conditional on a commitment by each campus to streamline the express mail process. To honor this obligation and offer the discounted rates to UCSD users, Mail Services developed the Desktop Shipping application.
The first phase of the Desktop Shipping Center to be implemented is the handling of Federal Express (FedEx) and United Parcel Services (UPS) services.
Please visit the Blink page: How to Use the Desktop Shipping Center: for information and to download a registration form.
Mail Services periodically presents Staff Education courses on the Desktop Shipping Center with individual training available by request at your location. For either additional information or for assistance, please contact LaWana Richmond at For support with the phase-out of paper express mail billings, you may either contact LaWana at Mail Services or Denise Medaris at in Disbursements.

Sally Brainerd
Associate Controller