January 21, 2011
Dear Colleagues: The Committee on Committees solicits your input for Academic Senate members to serve on campus committees for the 2011-2012 academic year. These committees play a key role in shared governance as they set and administer academic policies and advise the administration on issues that will have a long-term impact on our campus. Many faculty members find Academic Senate service a rewarding way to contribute to the broader mission of our campus. You can help us ensure that the committees reflect the diverse expertise and backgrounds of our faculty by taking a moment to review the duties of the various Senate committees and indicate your preferences as described below. We also urge you to consider serving as elected members of the Representative Assembly which provides a forum for discussion and approval of policy changes by the faculty. Members of the Representative Assembly are elected from departments and colleges. Please contact your department chair or college provost/dean to indicate your willingness to serve. To indicate your committee preferences, use your UCSD Employee ID number to login at: http://senate.ucsd.edu/CommitteePreferences/Default.aspx Note that this method will allow you to update preferences you entered last year in addition to indicating new preferences. Descriptions of Senate committees are accessible at the Academic Senate home page (http://senate.ucsd.edu). Please feel free to contact members of the Committee on Committees if you would like additional information. We would appreciate hearing from you by February 11. Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate in shared governance.
Kit Pogliano (Molecular Biology), Chair, Committee on Committees |