February 11, 2011


SUBJECT:    2011 UC San Diego United Way/CHAD Campaign

Please join me in supporting the 2011 UC San Diego United Way/CHAD Campaign.

This year’s theme is “Now More Than Ever, Imagine the Impact of Your Support.” This theme is appropriate because each of us can help our fellow San Diego community members by contributing to our Campaign. I am a strong supporter of this cause, and I encourage you to join your UC San Diego colleagues as we help individuals and families in the San Diego community, many of whom have a desperate need for the services offered by the United Way/CHAD agencies. Supporting United Way/CHAD through the UCSD Campaign offers the opportunity to make an important difference in the lives of our neighbors.

The economic crisis that continues to impact thousands of San Diego residents makes your gift this year especially more meaningful than ever before. Your gift will help to support community programs that will:

* Promote financial stability and independence

* Improve community health by ending chronic homelessness

* Protect children from child abuse and neglect

The UCSD United Way/CHAD Campaign commenced February 10 and will run through Friday, April 15, 2011. You also may contribute beyond that date. I encourage you to visit the UCSD United Way/CHAD Campaign website at: You can make your pledge using the UCSD web-based pledge application. The instructions and application package along with a list of UCSD recipient agencies can be found on this website. Please request a form from your Department Coordinator if you prefer to use a paper-based pledge form. Your department coordinator's contact information can be found at:

I am proud of UC San Diego's prior campaign successes, and I applaud those of you who have volunteered your time, energy and financial resources to this cause. For this year’s Campaign to succeed, each of us must become involved and act with our heart's compassion.

Questions about the Campaign may be directed to the Campaign Co-chairs, Tonia Snee at x40286 or, or Kim Ayoub at x43518 or

On behalf of the many people who will benefit from your contributions, I thank you for your continued support.

Marye Anne Fox