April 1, 2011
Dear Colleagues: In accordance with Bylaws 115 and 185 of the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate, notice is hereby given that nominations are open for the following positions and that the date of election will be May 18, 2011: - Vice Chair (Chair Designate) of the Division for a two-year term, effective September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2013. The first year will be served as Vice Chair (Chair Designate) and the second year as Chair of the San Diego Division. - Two Divisional Representatives to the systemwide Assembly of the Academic Senate for two-year terms, effective September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2013. - Three members of the Committee on Committees (Nominations are restricted to these areas.)
* One from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, for a three-year
term, September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2014 A Nominating Petition can be found on the Senate web page at http://senate.ucsd.edu. Please note that the nominee must be contacted by the Senate members signing the Petition and must have agreed to serve the appropriate term, if elected. To be valid, a Nominating Petition must be signed by five voting members of the Division and must be received in the Academic Senate Office [mail code 0002, University Center 215], no later than Monday, April 11, 2011, 4:30 p.m. Service terms of the following Senate members will expire effective August 31, 2010:
* Chair of the Division: Frank L. Powell (Medicine) The following Senate members continue to serve:
* 2011-2012 Chair: Joel Sobel (Economics)