ACADEMIC AFFAIRS August 26, 2011
The University invites comments to the proposed new Academic Personnel Policy Section 668, Negotiated Salary Program (“NSP”), as described below: This policy has been developed from the June 2010 recommendations of the Joint Senate-Administration Compensation Plan Steering Committee. The Steering Committee agreed that a policy-based additional compensation program was needed to maintain University competitiveness in general campus faculty compensation. The program is designed to provide a common administrative framework within which a school or academic discipline could provide additional compensation to its faculty, based on a shared set of principles. The NSP will be an augmentation to the merit-based step system and is designed for use in select situations.
The proposal is available on the following Web site: This is a formal review of the proposal. If you have comments or questions, please contact Kelly Lindlar, director of Academic Policy Development, at klindlar@ucsd.edu no later than Friday, November 11, 2011.