Sharecase (http://sharecase.ucsd.edu) is returning August 31st to the Price Center with presentations and exhibits highlighting the newest mobile computing and technology developments for staff and faculty. In this time of budget reductions, embracing new tools and technology can help us work more effectively in support of the research, teaching, clinical and community missions of UC San Diego. Sharecase 2011 features presentations on mobile computing options and opportunities, business intelligence tools, consolidated payroll and the Research Café. Visit the website to see the presentation schedule and plan your day, where you'll have an opportunity to meet with your favorite vendors, campus service providers, and enjoy demonstrations along with giveaways and a free lunch for registered attendees. We are thankful for our corporate partners for their role in supporting Sharecase. I encourage supervisors to release staff to attend job-related presentations when the absence does not infringe upon the performance of required job duties or patient care. This is a wonderful development opportunity for attendees to obtain information on a variety of topics related to reducing costs and making the campus more competitive for funding support. Sharecase continues its tropical tradition, so be sure to come dressed in your favorite aloha shirt.
Please join us August 31st as we leverage available tools and
technologies to help preserve the excellence of UC San Diego. If you
haven't already done so, register at: