I am pleased to recognize two outstanding members of the University of California, San Diego family who exemplify Excellence in Stewardship when engaging with our community supporters. Please join me in congratulating: Debbie Soldano, RN, BSN, OCN, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Nigella Hillgarth, PhD, Executive Director, Birch Aquarium at Scripps Exemplary stewardship is defined as taking extra steps to ensure that our supporters - donors, volunteers, corporate partners and foundations - understand the full impact and importance of their involvement with UC San Diego. In addition to saying thank you, excellent stewardship instills pride and further engagement by communicating to supporters what they have made possible. This award is presented by the Trustees of the UC San Diego Foundation. The awardees will be recognized at the annual UC San Diego Foundation Dinner on June 6. To learn more about our 2012 award winners and why they were selected to receive this distinction, visit the Excellence in Stewardship website http://blink.ucsd.edu/sponsor/donor-relations/stew-awards.html. While there, please consider whom you might nominate for the 2013 Excellence in Stewardship Awards. We will begin accepting nominations for next year's awards in September. For questions, please contact Lynsey Buerer, Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship, at lbuerer@ucsd.edu.