August 12, 2013
SUBJECT: | Revelle College Provost Search |
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Revelle
College Provost.
The Provost search will be confined to the UC San Diego campus, and
candidates must hold full-time, tenured faculty positions (including
LSOEs) in one of our academic departments. The Provost appointment will
be for a period of five years, renewable after appropriate review. The
general job description and required qualifications for a Provost follow
this announcement and are also posted on the Academic Affairs website
Information on the academic theme and other specific aspects of Revelle
College may be found on the college website at:
APPLICATIONS: If you would like to apply for the Revelle College Provost position,
please send via electronic mail a statement of interest, a copy of your
vita, and names of three references to:
Barbara A. Sawrey, Chair Revelle College Provost Search Committee
If you would like to nominate someone, please send your nomination to
the address given above. You need not contact the individual to
ascertain if she/he is willing to be considered as a candidate. Dean
Sawrey will contact all nominees, in confidence, to discuss their
willingness to have their names put forward to the Search Committee.
Nominations and applications received by September 30, 2013 will receive
full consideration by the Search Committee:
Barbara A. Sawrey, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Dean
of Undergraduate Education (Chair) Anthony Burr, Associate Professor, Music Sarah Creel, Assistant Professor, Cognitive Science Doug Easterly, Dean of Academic Advising, Muir College Allan Havis, Provost, Marshall College Olivia Graeve, Associate Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering John Kosmatka, Professor, Structural Engineering Sherry Mallory, Dean of Student Affairs, Revelle College Michael Sailor, Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry Sandra Timmons, Revelle College Alumni Representative Eric Watkins, Professor, Philosophy Edwina Welch, Director, Cross Cultural Center Undergraduate Student Representatives (2) TBD
Suresh Subramani
Executive Vice Chancellor |
UC San Diego COLLEGE PROVOST Position Description
THE PROVOST: - Is responsible for the academic and administrative leadership of the
College and is its chief academic and administrative leader.
- Is responsible for the realization of the academic goals of the
College, as described in the College's academic plan.
- Is responsible for fostering collaborations with academic departments,
programs, and key campus units to enhance the quality of undergraduate
- Shares with the College faculty, the appropriate academic departments,
and the respective Program Directors the responsibility for the
supervision of academic programs, developed and administered under the
aegis of the College, including the associated core courses sequence and
the college writing program.
- Is responsible for enhancing the diversity of the College.
- Reviews and makes recommendations on appointments, merits, and
promotions of faculty affiliated with the College.
- Is responsible for promoting an environment in which the highest
standards of ethical conduct are understood to be a primary
responsibility of all members of the College.
- Supervises the professional staff of the College -- Dean of Academic
Advising, Dean of Student Affairs, and other staff members who report to
the Provost.
- Is responsible for preparation of the annual budgets of the College and
for an accurate accounting of the expenditure of College funds.
- Is responsible for the management and administration of the associated
college writing program and associated core courses sequence, including
all budget, FTE, and personnel matters.
- Serves as ex officio member of the College's governing body, which is
advisory to the Provost.
- Is responsible for orientation of new undergraduate students, transfer
students, and their parents.
- Certifies students of the College for graduation upon completion of
their studies.
- To the degree permitted by his or her administrative responsibilities,
engages in teaching and research commensurate in quality with his or her
rank as a member of the UC San Diego faculty.
- Serves, as appointed, on various campus-wide and system-wide
- Is responsible for the programmatic aspects of College residence-hall
- Is responsible for recreational, social and cultural programming for
the College.
- Is responsible for student government in the College.
- Is responsible for development activities on behalf of the College.
THE CANDIDATE: - Must hold a full-time, tenured appointment in one of UC San Diego's
academic departments.
- Must have the skills and knowledge to direct and supervise the
professional staff of the College.
- Must have knowledge and skills in budgeting and fiscal management.
- Must have the interpersonal skills to work effectively with students,
parents, faculty, staff, and alumni as well as the general public.
- Must have a strong commitment to the achievement of diversity.
The University of California, San Diego is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to
the achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.