Project Description/Location: Construction of the Central Research Services Facility began in July 2012 and is ongoing. The Central Research Services Facility will be located in Parking Lot P604, and is a 3-story above-grade structure totaling approximately 41,000 square feet. This project centralizes critical research support facilities that are currently spread throughout the campus and provides much needed office space for several campus departments. Completion of the facility is scheduled for Summer 2014. As part of the construction effort, the Campus Utility Loop will be extended down Pharmacy Lane from Osler Lane to the project site. This work will be phased in a sequence to minimize the disruption to the School of Medicine. Immediate Developments: Phase I of this work includes the building of a temporary road to provide access to the Rita Atkinson Residences and P-608. Following the completion of the temporary road a partial closure of Pharmacy Lane will allow for construction and some installation of utilities. Phase II is expected to commence approximately March 2014 and will include the full closure of Pharmacy Lane to complete installation of utilities. Access and egress to Rita Atkinson Residences and P-608 will not be impacted. During those times when Pharmacy Lane is limited to one traffic lane there will be a flagman and traffic control present. Following project completion (Summer 2014) the temporary road will be removed and landscaping/irrigation reinstalled. Pedestrians are requested to follow the signs and walk on existing sidewalks. Bicyclists are requested to follow signs and slow down in construction areas.
Please see attached area map: If you have any questions please contact the Central Research Services Facility project manager Mark Rowland (mrowland@ucsd.edu) at (858) 822-0725 or project specialist Tessa France (tfrance@ucsd.edu) at (858) 822-6587. We greatly appreciate your patience during these construction activities.