February 27, 2014
I am pleased to announce the Wednesday, March 5, 2014 campus celebration of International Women's Day as an opportunity to note the achievements of women, to learn about women's experiences around the world, and to draw attention to the need for further progress toward equality. The main event will be held in Price Center West Ballroom A on March 5. Doors will open at 1:15 p.m. and the program will begin at 1:30 p.m. Featured speakers will be: Dr. Carol A. Padden, Interim Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; and Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian and Julie Marner, Co-founders of Burundi Friends International. Additional International Women's Day celebrations will take place throughout the week, including film screenings that begin March 3 and continue through March 8, the date of International Women's Day around the world. Details and a complete schedule of International Women's Day events may be viewed at: http://iwd.ucsd.edu. In recognition of this annual event, I am approving one hour of administrative leave with pay that employees may apply to their attendance at an International Women's Day event. Supervisors are asked to allow employees one hour of administrative leave with pay to attend an International Women's Day event when the absence does not infringe upon the performance of required job duties or patient care. Inquiries regarding the events may be directed to Hannah Reese, (858-246-1590 or hlreese@ucsd.edu), Chair of the Campus-wide International Women's Day Planning Committee.