May 27, 2014
Dear Colleagues: The results of the May 2014 election are as follows:
* Vice Chair (Chair Designate) for a two-year term, effective
September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2016. The first year will be
served as Vice Chair (Chair Designate) and the second as Chair of the
* Divisional Representatives to the Assembly of the Academic Senate
(systemwide) for two-year terms, effective September 1, 2014 through
August 31, 2016:
Alternate Divisional Representatives to the Assembly of the Academic
* Committee on Committees members, each for a three-year term,
effective September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2017: The number of valid ballots cast in this election was 448, which represents a 22.5% turnout of the current Senate membership. Thanks to all of the candidates. Your willingness to serve is greatly appreciated.