The University has issued revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) policies, APM 290, Regents’ Professors and Regents’ Lecturers, APM 510, Intercampus Transfers, and APM Section IV, Salary Administration (APM 600 series). The revised policies are effective July 1, 2014. Simultaneous revision to the 20 policies in Sections 290, 510, Section IV (APM 600 series), was prompted in part by the UC Path initiative so that procedural information contained within the policies is up-to-date, clear, and consistent from policy to policy. The following six policies have been removed and incorporated into other APM Sections: APM 615, Salary Increases/Merit is incorporated into new section APM 610-9, Salary Increases, General Scale, Merit and Promotion Increases APM 632, Stipends/Assignments of FTE for Split Appointments with Stipends is incorporated into APM 633, Stipends/Academic Appointees APM 640, Regents’ Professors and Regents’ Lecturers, Compensation is incorporated into APM 290, Regents’ Professors and Regents’ Lecturers APM 660, Additional Compensation/General is incorporated into APM 600, General APM 665, Additional Compensation/Reading Manuscripts is incorporated into APOM 600-14-b, General, Additional Compensation APM 690, Academic Salary Scales is incorporated into APM 600, General A summary of the key revisions to the remaining 14 policies and the revised policies are available on the following website: If you have comments concerning the revisions to the above policies, please contact Kelly Lindlar, Director of Academic Policy Development, at klindlar@ucsd.edu.