July 15, 2014


SUBJECT:    National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) Membership

We are pleased to announce that UC San Diego is now an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). NCFDD is an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community of graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty members. Members have reported that working with the NCFDD has helped them enormously with their scholarly productivity while managing the competing demands of scholarship, teaching, service, and personal life. Some of the services included in the membership are:

-Monthly core training workshops, including research productivity and time management
-Monthly guest expert workshops, including funding and pedagogical strategies
-Weekly productivity tips via a newsletter, Monday Motivator

More information about services provided by NCFDD can be found at To take advantage of these benefits, you can activate your membership by forwarding this email to Madelyne Agamata at

Additionally, the Office of the Vice Chancellor, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) will sponsor a group of professors and graduate students for the highly acclaimed NCFDD Faculty Success Program, a fifteen-week, virtual boot camp from Aug. 24 - Dec. 5, 2014. Sponsorship covers the cost of program registration ($3,250 per individual). For more information, read:

Past participants in the program have reported that they became more productive and were better able to manage their time as a result of the program. All are welcome to apply. Priority will be given to assistant professors and professors who have been tenured since 2012.

For those who are supported by this EDI sponsorship, we request that they propose a way to "give back" to the UC San Diego community during the 2014-15 academic year. Suggestions include taking the tools learned through the boot camp and organizing a local writing group or a mentoring workshop for other UC San Diego faculty, giving a campus talk regarding your experience in the program, or other possibilities you might propose.

To apply for the NCFDD Faculty Success Program: Please submit a brief statement (e-mail is fine; 1-2 pages) to Madelyne Agamata at detailing: -Your professional goals and what you hope to gain from participation
-A statement about how you would give back to other UC San Diego
faculty or graduate students at the conclusion of the experience.
-The name and e-mail of one reference (your Chair or departmental mentor)

Applications will be accepted until Friday, August 8th.

Carol Padden
Interim Vice Chancellor -
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Natalia Molina
Associate Vice Chancellor -
Faculty Diversity and Equity

Mary Blair-Loy
Associate Vice Chancellor -
Faculty Diversity and Equity