September 3, 2014


SUBJECT:    Search Advisory Committee for the Vice Chancellor - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

A national search for the position of Vice Chancellor - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is now commencing, and we are pleased to invite applications and nominations for this position.

The Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (VC-EDI) is a member of the Chancellor's Cabinet, and serves as the lead senior executive responsible for providing a holistic and integrated vision on all major equity, diversity and inclusion efforts at UC San Diego. In partnership with all campus units, the Office for EDI is responsible for addressing diversity across all areas of UC San Diego mission including outreach, recruitment, retention, and climate. The desired outcome of these efforts is to achieve a UC San Diego environment that is welcoming and supportive for students, faculty, and staff with personal experiences, values, and worldviews that build on differences of culture and circumstance including race, ethnicity, sex, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geographic origin and more. Additionally, the VC-EDI will help lead the institution effectively in productive collaborative partnerships with the community within and outside UC San Diego to catalyze change in this area. The VC-EDI is a direct report to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, with an indirect reporting relationship to the Chancellor.

UC San Diego created the Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the Vice Chancellor position in 2012. An organizational structure and team have been established, as well as a strategic plan and a foundation for programming. The VC-EDI will assess the effectiveness of our EDI strategy and continue to develop programs, relationships, metrics and results for the Office for EDI, and will be expected to lead UC San Diego to measurable improvements in organizational climate and recruitment/retention in a diverse community of students, faculty and staff.

The membership of the Search Advisory Committee, which will be chaired by Margaret Leinen, Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences, is given below. The Search Advisory Committee is charged with conducting a national search, identifying and presenting suitable candidates for interview by the Committee, and helping to develop a short list of diverse, qualified candidates who will be invited to visit the campus. We will solicit and consider input from everyone who participates in the selection process and will make the final determination about the successful candidate.

The Search Advisory Committee will begin reviewing candidates in October and will continue until the position is filled. The Heidrick & Struggles search firm has been engaged to assist with this important recruitment, and all candidate materials will be sent directly to the firm. Nominations and applications (e.g. CV, letter of introduction or biographical summary that includes the individual's contributions to diversity) can be sent in confidence to Search Advisory Committee Chair Margaret Leinen, c/o:

UC San Diego Vice Chancellor, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Search c/o
Heidrick & Struggles
11100 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90025

For additional information regarding the search, please visit:

The Committee's membership includes:

* Professor Lihini Aluwihare (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)
* Professor Patrick Anderson (Communication)
* Professor Maria Rosario Araneta (School of Medicine)
* Robby Boparai (Associated Students Representative)
* Assistant Vice Chancellor Mae Brown (Admissions and Enrollment Services)
* Robert Lee Brown (Brown Consulting/Community Member)
* Professor Alison Coil (Physics)
* Tavina Claiborne (Graduate Student Association Representative)
* Iris Delgado (Associated Students Representative)
* Director Paula Doss (Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action)
* Annie Ganal Flager (Staff Association Representative)
* Vice Chancellor Margaret Leinen (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Chair
* Negin Nazarian (Graduate Student Association Representative)
* German Octaviano (Student Affirmative Action Committee Representative)
* Assistant Director Agustin Orozco (Office of Academic Support/ Instructional Services)
* Professor Daniel Widener (Chair-Senate Committee on Diversity and
* Provost Paul Yu (Revelle College/Electrical and Computer Engineering)

We are grateful to all members of the committee for their assistance
in this most important search.

Pradeep K. Khosla

Suresh Subramani
Executive Vice Chancellor