January 29, 2015
SUBJECT: | Message from UC President Janet Napolitano |
Dear UC Faculty Member:
Welcome to Winter Quarter 2015! I hope your winter holiday was enjoyable
and that you are entering the new term with enthusiasm.
You and your colleagues make UC great. The Regents, Chancellors, other
colleagues, and I are committed to providing an environment in which you
can thrive and the University can excel in all aspects of its mission.
To that end, I want to bring you up to date on efforts to achieve both
adequate funding for the University of California and also predictable
costs and revenue for campuses, students, and their families.
In November 2014, the Board of Regents approved several budget items
designed to maintain UC's academic excellence in teaching, research, and
service; expand undergraduate access for California students; and
maintain our robust return to aid program that allows more than 55
percent of undergraduates to pay no tuition to attend UC--and to achieve
these goals with a long-term plan that creates predictability for
everyone. You have seen firsthand the sacrifices that campuses have made
over the last several years of decreased funding and know that adequate
State investment in the University is essential to maintaining quality,
access, and affordability. The plan to increase UC's funding relies on
roughly equal contributions from the State, student tuition and fees,
and University cost reductions and fundraising. Tuition and fees could
be raised a maximum of five percent per year for five years. That could
be reduced or eliminated if the Governor and the State provide
additional funding. For more information, please review the attached
summary and go to
I am working with the Legislature and the Governor to increase the
State's investment in UC, which is an investment in the future of
California as well as a means of avoiding tuition increases. It is an
ongoing process. On January 9, the Governor released his proposed
2015-16 budget for California. The proposal that Governor Brown released
is only the first step in the process of enacting a State budget. While
I am disappointed the Governor did not include sufficient revenue to
expand enrollment of California students and reinvest in academic
quality at the University, I am hopeful that continued discussions with
the Governor and the Legislature will yield a budget that maintains the
access, affordability, and excellence for which the University of
California is renowned.
As President of the University, it is my privilege and obligation to
maintain UC's standing as the top public research university in the
world while increasing access and affordability for Californians. I ask
that you as faculty continue in all your efforts to sustain excellence
in UC's teaching, research, and public service and that you take every
opportunity to let others know just how good the University is.
Fiat Lux!
Yours very truly,
Janet Napolitano
President |
UC Long-Term Stability Plan for Tuition and Financial Aid
Attachment to January 2015 Letter from President Napolitano to UC
· The historically strong investment by the State and the people
of California in UC has enabled UC to become a world-class public
research university that provides California undergraduates with an
unequaled combination of access, affordability and excellence.
· But fiscal crises over the years have led to a pattern of steep
budget cuts and corresponding sudden and dramatic increases in tuition.
· The challenge facing UC and the State today is how to build a
sustainable long-term financial plan that preserves UC's distinctive
combination of diversity and academic excellence.
· The action taken by the Regents in November 2014 to stabilize
tuition over the next five years is contingent on the level of State
funding. If the State increases funding to a level that would preserve
academic quality and enable UC to increase enrollment of Californian
undergraduates, any tuition increases could be lowered or eliminated.
· The plan is aimed at preserving the quality of the academic
program, protecting financial aid and enrolling 5,000 (2.5%) more
California students over the next five years.
· State funding to UC was cut by nearly a billion dollars (about
25%) during the recession and is nearly half a billion dollars less than
it was in 2007-08, even though there are nearly 25,000 (14%) more
students at UC now. In fact, there are 7,000 UC students who have never
been funded by the State.
· The central issue is how the State of California funds the
university, assuming the State shares the goal of the faculty, students
and administration to maintain UC as the world's greatest public
research university.
The Tuition and Financial Aid Stability Plan
· The long-term stability plan for tuition and financial aid will
reverse the boom-and-bust cycle for tuition and fees and will ensure
that prospective students and their families know the costs of their UC
education when they enroll. (See Display 9 on page 27 of the UC 2015-16
budget, available at:
· Under the plan, over the next five years, tuition and fees will
increase no more than 5 percent annually. The maximum increase for basic
tuition and fees would be $612 for the 2015-16 academic year. The annual
5 percent increase is a ceiling. Tuition and fees will not increase
above these levels as long as the funds the State provides to UC
continue to increase by at least 4 percent annually (equivalent to a 1.7
percent increase in UC core funds for student education) and the State
also continues to cover mandatory systemwide charges under the Cal Grant
· UC is committed to preserving what is the most robust financial
aid program in the nation. One-third of every tuition dollar will
continue to be dedicated to financial aid. More than half (55%) of all
California resident undergraduates will continue to pay no systemwide
tuition or fees. Another 14 percent will have partial tuition covered.
· Financial aid offerings will be adjusted to accommodate any
future changes in tuition rates.
· If UC receives funding above the minimum State commitment,
tuition and fees may increase by a smaller amount or remain flat over
the course of the five-year period.
· The proposal for additional funding - either from State
investment or tuition increases of no more than 5 percent annually over
5 years - will enable UC to:
· enroll at least 5,000 (2.5%) more California students over 5
o increase diversity through the enrollment of more
California students;
o continue UC's robust financial aid program which,
together with State programs, helps students and families earning up to
$150,000 per year;
o improve the quality of the student educational
experience by hiring more faculty to reduce the student-faculty ratio,
increasing course offerings and providing academic support services;
o help decrease undergraduates' time to degree and
increase their graduation rate;
o continue to recruit and retain outstanding faculty;
o maintain tuition and fees at low, predictable levels.
· UC will use all new tuition revenues solely to support and
improve students' educational experience.
State Support for UC
· The economic recession that began in 2007 forced the State
government to make hard choices that included significant funding cuts
to the University of California. But the State has been disinvesting in
the University of California for at least 25 years. In 1990, the State
contributed 78 percent of the total cost of a student's education. In
2014-15 it contributes just 43 percent. (See Display 10 on page 29 of
the UC 2015-16 budget, available at:
· The recent cuts in State funding resulted in:
o dramatic and sudden tuition volatility;
o negative impacts on education quality as a result of
rising student-faculty ratios and cuts in course offerings and teaching
assistants; and
o enrollment of nearly 25,000 nonresident
undergraduates, whose nonresident supplemental tuition helps fund
California resident enrollment and who now constitute about 13 percent
of all undergraduates compared to the historic level of about 4 percent.
(See discussion of nonresident enrollment on page 87 of the UC 2015-16
budget, available at:
UC's Commitment to California
· A UC undergraduate education greatly enhances the earnings
potential and lives of tens of thousands of students and families and
enables social mobility.
o Within five years of graduation, over 50 percent of
UC's low-income students earn incomes in California that exceed those of
their families when they entered UC.
o About 40 percent of UC undergraduates receive Pell
Grants - which are typically given to students in households with total
family income of $50K or less compared with about 15 percent at elite
private universities and about 25 percent at other selective public
universities, including the University of Michigan and the University of
Virginia. (See Indicator 3.2.1 of the 2014 UC Accountability Report,
available at:
o About 40 percent of UC's undergraduates are
first-generation college students. (See Indicator 2.4.1 of the 2014 UC
Accountability Report, available at:
o About 25 percent of all undergraduates come from
underrepresented minority groups. (See Indicator 8.3.1 of the 2014 UC
Accountability Report, available at:
· A UC education prepares undergraduate, graduate academic, and
graduate professional students to succeed as leaders, creators,
employees, family members and citizens and thereby contribute to the
wellbeing of the State, nation, and world.
· UC is an economic engine for the State.
o UC generates about $46.3B in economic activity in
California and contributes about $32.8B to the Gross State Product
o Every dollar the California taxpayer invests in UC
results in $9.80 in Gross State Product and $13.80 in overall economic
o One of every 46 jobs in California (about 430,000
jobs) is supported by UC operations and outside spending by members of
the University.
o UC attracts about $8 billion in annual funding from
outside the State.
· UC would like nothing better than the State's partnership in
avoiding a tuition increase. An additional allocation from the State of
about $100 million would buy out the entire proposed tuition increase in
2015-16. When compared with the State's spending in other areas such as
prisons, high-speed rail and the like, this amount is trivial to
preserve the academic excellence, access and affordability that are UC's
· We can't wait any longer to reinvest. We must act to increase
access for California undergraduates, protect the quality of the
education we provide all our students and sustain the vitality of our
research and creative activities. The long-term stability plan for
tuition and financial aid does that.
For more information about the plan and/or how to support it, please
contact the following person on your campus:
Berkeley: Nils Gilman, Associate Chancellor and Chief of Staff,
Davis: Debbie Niemeier, Professor of Civil and Environmental
Irvine: James Steintrager, Professor of English,
Los Angeles: David Lopez, Professor Emeritus of Sociology,
Merced: Gregg Camfield, Interim Vice Provost for Faculty,
Riverside: Sue McKee, Associate Vice Chancellor for Government and
Community Relations,
San Diego: Robert Continetti, Vice Chair, Academic Senate,
San Francisco: Farid Chehab, Chair, Academic Senate,
Santa Barbara: David Marshall, Executive Vice Chancellor,
Santa Cruz: Donna M. Blitzer, Director, Government Relations,