ACADEMIC AFFAIRS November 4, 2015
After twelve years of dedicated service as Provost of Earl Warren College, including three years as Chair of the Council of Provosts, Professor Steven Adler has announced his decision to conclude his tenure as Provost, effective June 30, 2016. Provost Adler has had a profound impact on Earl Warren College and the UC San Diego campus. He created the Warren College Writing Center in 2005, and subsequently envisioned and championed the creation of acampus writing center (now in its third year). He served as faculty director of the Academic Internship Program (AIP), as well as the Lawand Society, and Health Care-Social Issues interdisciplinary minors, and was an original member of Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Undergraduate Education Sawrey's Education Initiative Task Force. Provost Adler led a review of the Warren College general-education requirements, which resulted in the expansion of the College's core Ethics and Society coursework and the creation of a transfer student writing course. During his tenure, Provost Adler has added new academic and student life programs and developed traditions that strengthen the Warren College mission. Provost Adler created the Warren College Research Scholarship in which students conduct their own research projects under faculty supervision and receive up to $2,000 in college funding, benefitting more than 50 students since 2006. In 2004, he created the Provost's Student Advisory Council, whose initiatives included the creation of Equilibrium, Warren's research journal, which had its inaugural issue in spring 2015. In order to foster greater faculty-student interaction, Provost Adler created the quarterly tradition of Warren College High Table Dinners, bringing together 20 students and 10 faculty for intimate "formal" dinners. Adler has been an exceptional steward of the legacy of Earl Warren, developing a relationship with the Earl Warren family, who have contributed considerable memorabilia to the college as well as participated as speakers at Family Day events. In collaboration with Marshall College, in 2007 Provosts Havis and Adler hosted a 50th anniversary symposium on the Little Rock Nine school integration case, including distinguished speakers Julian Bond and Dr. Terrance Roberts (one of the original Little Rock Nine). As host of the annual DeWitt Higgs Memorial Lecture, Provost Adler brought speakers such as San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom, UK Minister for Europe Geoff Hoon, and journalist Mark Danner to campus. He also invited Frank Rich to discuss his book, The Greatest Story Ever Sold. With a dedication that spans colleges, Provost Adler has served as faculty adviser to the Muir Musical since its inception. Please join me in expressing sincere gratitude to Provost Adler for his outstanding leadership of, and dedication to, Earl Warren College over these past twelve years, and for his many contributions to the campus. I am grateful that he has agreed to continue to serve as Warren Provost during 2015-2016 while a search for his successor is carried out. The search will be internal to UC San Diego and will be announced later this quarter.