Project Description/Location: Construction of bicycle and pedestrian improvements on Hopkins Lane will commence on Monday, December 14, 2015 with anticipated completion before Friday, April 1, 2016. The project will improve overall circulation and safety of vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist traffic on Hopkins Lane. New accessible sidewalks and class one separated bike lanes will be added to both sides of the roadway along with improved crosswalks, lighting upgrades, landscape improvements and grove reforestation. Immediate Street Traffic, Bicycle and Pedestrian Impact: Hopkins Lane south of Voigt Drive towards the Geisel Library book drop will be impacted during this period. Vehicular traffic will be re-directed to alternate routes for the duration of the project with the exception of service and emergency response vehicles. Parking on Hopkins Lane may be provided intermittently, as construction activities allow. The book drop will be temporarily relocated to the North Point driveway visitor information loop; signage will be posted. Pedestrians will be directed to adjacent pathways. Detour and construction signage will be clearly posted through the duration of construction. Access to the buildings west of the project boundary including parking lots P308 and Hopkins Parking Structure will remain accessible for campus use throughout the duration of construction. Pedestrians are required to follow any exit/detour signs and walk on existing sidewalks as posted. Bicyclists and all other wheeled traffic are required to follow signs, dismount on the new bicycle pathways, and remain alert near construction areas. We recognize this area is a major circulation route for campus and have taken measures to provide a safe, alternative pathway during this period. Normal pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic will be reinstated at the completion of construction. If you have any questions, please contact Facilities Design and Construction Assistant Project Manager Jamie Bohannan at jbohannan@ucsd.edu or 858-246-0860 or Project Specialist Kathy Whelan at klwhelan@ucsd.edu or 858-534-2846. We recognize the significant inconvenience this project may cause and thank our campus colleagues for your patience during this period.