The University invites comments on proposed revisions the UC Policy on Copyright and Fair Use. This is a final review of the proposed revisions. This Final Review draft of the revised policy was prepared by the SLASIAC Standing Subcommittee on Copyright Policy after analyzing comments received during Systemwide Review. This new draft was approved by the University's Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee on February 27, 2015. In its comments on the revised draft policy, the Academic Council asked, among other things, that the policy specifically state that the University will "defend employees who reproduce copyrighted materials in the good faith belief that they are doing so in compliance with the law." A statement to that effect has been added. The current draft also incorporates the faculty's suggestion to explicitly articulate the University's responsibility to provide support for the faculty's copyright concerns. Final review is intended to advise the results of the systemwide review and how language has been refined. The University does not anticipate substantive revisions during final review. This stage of consultation is intended to resolve prior discussions and to answer remaining questions. The proposed revisions are available at the following website: http://libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu/sscp/resources. If you have comments or questions, please contact Kelly Lindlar, director of Academic Policy Development, at klindlar@ucsd.edu no later than April 23, 2015.