On May 7, 2015, President Napolitano launched the Carbon Neutrality Initiative, which commits UC to emit net zero greenhouse gases from its buildings and vehicle fleet by 2025, something no other major research university has done. In February 2015, 17 research, education, operations, and outreach projects focused on leveraging faculty expertise and student creativity to make the UC Carbon Neutrality Initiative a reality were approved. As part of this process, two new faculty engagement and education projects that are integral to the success of the initiative were announced. Faculty leaders are being sought from each campus for a Faculty Curriculum Workshop and Networking Events program, and a Faculty Climate Action Champion program.
Faculty Climate Action Champion Program:
Requirements of Champions:
1. Engagement of the campus community including students, staff, and
faculty; Faculty Curriculum Workshop and Networking Event: Each campus will be allotted $35,500 to boost climate neutrality and sustainability education across their campus. This funding will support a curriculum workshop and a networking event to engage faculty members who choose to infuse climate change and sustainability concepts into existing courses across disciplines. Each campus will be asked to identify two co-leaders for the workshop and networking event, who will attend a systemwide training session in Fall 2015. Each campus is expected to host a workshop for 20 faculty members during the 2015-16 academic year, with a follow-up networking event in 2016-17 that will be open to all faculty and that will showcase the revised courses. Enriching existing courses in this way is very cost-effective and enhances the educational experience of many students, especially those for whom sustainability may not be a focus. Co-leaders each receive a $1,000 stipend. At least one of the co-leaders should be a member of the Academic Senate.
Applications: Submit applications to academicsenateoffice@ucsd.edu.