ACADEMIC AFFAIRS September 9, 2015
I am pleased to announce the revision of Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM) Sections 230-20, Appointment of Academic Personnel, and PPM 230-28, Academic Advancements and Reappointments, which are effective September 1, 2015. The revisions to PPM 230-20 and PPM 230-28 include clarification of the criteria for appointment and advancement in the Professor of Practice series, and revisions suggested by the Academic Senate Task Force on Faculty Reward System II, including the addition of more detailed guidance concerning the criteria for accelerated advancement. Language has also been added to strengthen our policy on the evaluation of appointees proposed for consecutive no change actions. Policies related to off-scale salaries have been revised, including updates to reflect recent system-wide Academic Personnel Manual (APM) changes, which extend eligibility for off-scale salaries to all academic series covered by PPM 230-20 and PPM 230-28, and edits to merge information currently provided in PPM 230-41, Academic Off-Scale Salaries into relevant sections of PPM 230-20 and PPM 230-28. PPM 230-41 will be rescinded, effective September 1, 2015. A summary of the major revisions to PPM 230-20 and PPM 230-28 is available at: http://blink.ucsd.edu//go/ppm230-20-28revisions The revised policies are available at the following websites:
PPM230-28 If you have any questions concerning the revisions to PPM 230-20 or PPM 230-28, please contact Kelly Lindlar, Director, Academic Policy Development, at klindlar@ucsd.edu or x24564.