AND RISK MANAGEMENT January 14, 2016
In accordance with California state law, this illness and injury summary is made available to you for review each year beginning on February 1. UC San Diego maintains these summaries for each of the previous five years on the referenced website. If you supervise employees, please ensure a reference to this website is included in your department’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program File. The 2015 Campus OSHA Injury and Illness Statistics Summary is now available at: http://blink.ucsd.edu/safety/occupational/workers-comp/statistics.html Additionally, state law requires the Notice to Employees – Injuries Caused by Work Poster be kept current and posted in a location frequented by employees, where such notice can be easily read by employees during the course of the workday. Please be advised that this Notice Poster can be located, and read and printed at: http://www-ehs.ucsd.edu/riskmgmt/NoticePoster.pdf Thank you for your attention to this important information. If you have any questions, please contact Jon Schmidt, campus risk manager, at 858-534-3782.