Understanding and Protecting the Planet (UPP) Dear campus colleagues, As you know, the coordinating committee for UPP is hosting a Town Hall Meeting on February 16 from 5-8 PM at the Scripps Seaside Forum. The Town Hall will provide an opportunity for interdisciplinary groups to present on broad focus areas that fit within the UPP theme. The schedule will include the following presentations: . Post Paris Agreement Climate Strategies (Deep Decarbonization Institute (D2I) and Quantifying Anthropogenic Emissions of Importance to the Climate and Environment) . 21st Century Seafood Security . Achieving Food Security Through Resilient Ecosystems, Economies, and Societies . Systems Biology-Driven Sustainable Food Production & Affordability in a Changing Climate . Food, Energy and Water Systems: Chemical Communication . Integrating Paleoecology, Archaeology, and Historical Ecology for Marine Conservation . Marine Conservation Technology . Building Bridges for Interdisciplinary Environmental Research and Collaboration Complimentary parking will be available in lots 002 and 003 adjacent to the Scripps Seaside Forum, subject to availability. Refreshments will also be provided. Registration for Town Hall: