The University of California, San Diego, strives to foster a learning community for staff that supports education, training, and professional development. Continuous learning enhances our capacity to perform and builds our sense of community. It enables all of us to acquire skills to keep pace with the fast- changing demands that emerge from campus growth, advancing technology, and the challenges we take on in pursuing career growth within the University. The University provides many opportunities and avenues for training and professional development internally (e.g., classroom training and online learning), and recognizes the importance of funding to make additional opportunities available. The Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program (SEOEP) administers training and career development funds for individuals and departments. On the individual level, the program provides up to $500 for training activities to eligible staff employees seeking a promotion or career change. Similarly, the program provides financial assistance to support departmental training and development programs that will enhance the skills of employees to prepare them for career advancement.
This Campus Notice serves as a call for individual as well as vice
chancellor/department proposals for SEOEP funds. All individual
proposals must be received by Monday, April 25, 2016. All individual
applicants will be considered without regard to gender or ethnicity. For
more information, including requirements, selection criteria, and to
apply online for funds, go to: If you are interested in learning how to apply for funds through this program, you can attend a workshop. A schedule of workshops can be found at the link below. To register for a workshop, please e-mail Linda Olvera at lolvera@ucsd.edu. http://blink.ucsd.edu/_files/HR-tab/SEOEP/workshop_calendar_2016.pdf If you are unable to apply online or need further information, please contact Linda Olvera at Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action at 858-534-6466 or lolvera@ucsd.edu. We encourage you to take advantage of these valuable resources, because we believe that the diversity we seek to sustain and improve at UC San Diego requires that we make a conscious effort to access available learning opportunities.