ACADEMIC PERSONNEL September 30, 2016
The University invites comments on Proposed Revisions to APM-015, The Faculty Code of Conduct and APM-016, University Policy on Faculty Conduct and The Administration of Discipline. Proposed revisions add sexual violence and sexual harassment, as defined by University policy, as a form of Unacceptable Conduct to The Faculty Code of Conduct (APM - 015). Proposed amended language clarifies when the Chancellor is deemed to know about an alleged violation of The Faculty Code of Conduct (APM - 015). Proposed new language institutes a new timeline and deadline after the imposition of involuntary leave for the Chancellor to inform an accused faculty member of the reasons for the leave, the allegations being investigated, the anticipated date when charges will be brought, a statement concerning when the leave will end, and the faculty member’s right to grieve the involuntary leave, to be handled by the Privilege and Tenure Committee on an expedited basis (APM - 016).
The proposed revisions are available at the following website: This is a formal review of the proposed revisions. If you have comments or questions, please contact Kelly Lindlar, director of Academic Policy Development, at klindlar@ucsd.edu no later than December 9, 2016.