January 17, 2017
SUBJECT: | Notice of Senate Election |
Dear Colleagues:
In accordance with Bylaws 115 and 185 of the San Diego Division of the
Academic Senate, notice is hereby given that nominations are open for
the following positions and that the date of election will be Monday,
April 24, 2017.
* Vice Chair (Chair Designate) of the Division for a two-year term,
effective September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2019. The first year
will serve as Vice Chair and the second year as Chair of the San Diego
* Divisional Representative (three vacancies) to the systemwide
Assembly of the Academic Senate for a two-year term, effective September
1, 2017 through August 31, 2019.
* Divisional Representative (one vacancy) to the systemwide Assembly
of the Academic Senate for a one-year term, effective September 1, 2017
through August 31, 2018.
* Member of the Committee on Committees from a Health Sciences
department, excluding the Department of Pathology and the Department of
Pediatrics, for a three-year term, effective September 1, 2017 through
August 31, 2020.
* Member of the Committee on Committees from SIO for a three-year
term, effective September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2020.
* Member of the Committee on Committees from a Social Science
department for a three-year term, effective September 1, 2017 through
August 31, 2020.
A Nominating Petition can be found at
To be valid, a Nominating Petition must be signed by five voting members
of the Division and must be received in the Academic Senate Office
(Center Hall 307, mail code 002) no later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday,
January 26, 2017.
Please note that the nominee must be contacted by the Senate members
signing the petition and must have agreed to serve the term if elected.
The following previously elected Senate members will continue to serve
in 2017-2018.
Divisional Chair 2017-2018: Farrell Ackerman (Linguistics). Divisional
Representatives: Anna Joy Springer (Literature). Committee on
Committees: Amy Adler (Visual Arts), Robert Edelman (History), Peter
Ernst (Health Sciences-Pathology), Douglass Forbes (Cell & Developmental
Biology), Marilyn Jones (Health Sciences-Pediatrics), Nancy Postero
(Anthropology), Kimberly Prather (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Stefan
Llewellyn Smith (Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering), and Daniel Widener
Farrell Ackerman
Vice Chair
Academic Senate, San Diego Division |