Dear Faculty Colleagues, The Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation Mother-Milk-Infant Center of Research Excellence (LRF MoMI CoRE) awards pilot funding (MoMI Seeds) to enable innovative research projects that generate promising new data and help facilitate the acquisition of extramural funding in support of human milk and lactation research. LRF MoMI CoRE is pleased to announce the availability of MoMI Seeds Funds for 2018. Awards for up to $50,000 each will be given. Applications will be accepted until October 15, 2017, and funds will become available starting January 1, 2018. UC San Diego faculty members who are eligible to serve as Principal Investigators may apply. UC San Diego Postdoctoral Trainees, Medical Fellows, and Residents are also encouraged to apply, but need to be sponsored by a UC San Diego faculty member. The research team may include collaborators not affiliated with UC San Diego. Applications need to fall under one of the following research priority areas: 1) Neurocognitive, functional, or other developmental outcomes related to breastfeeding or intake of human milk components 2) Social determinants of initiation and continuation of breastfeeding 3) Effects of breastfeeding or intake of human milk components on gut health 4) “Milk Moonshot” – Submit an innovative and creative idea for a project related to human milk and breastfeeding that does not fit in any of the other Research Priority Areas Applications will be judged competitively by a scientific review committee based on the likelihood that the proposed research plan and scope of work will result in robust preliminary data to support strong proposals for extramural funding. Other important considerations include scientific merit, relevance to human milk and lactation research and the annual Research Priority Areas, innovation, overall feasibility of the proposed plan, the track record of success of the research team, and the potential for extramural funding. For more information about the application, review process, and agreement terms, please visit the LRF MoMI CoRE website: http://go.ucsd.edu/2utH8QA or you may contact the Center Director Lars Bode, PhD at lbode@ucsd.edu. General inquiries can be submitted to milk@ucsd.edu.