October 7, 2019
UC embraces diversity in the workplace and is committed to providing a supportive environment for all faculty, staff and students. This October, as we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we ask all of UC’s faculty and staff to help assess UC’s efforts at becoming a more inclusive community by completing a confidential voluntary one-question survey about their disability status. The survey will be open from October 7 through November 15, 2019. Today, Monday, October 7, UC faculty and staff will receive an email from the sender UC Disability Survey (ucdisabilitysurvey@willistowerswatson.com) with a secure link to the voluntary survey. Faculty and staff without an email address on file will receive a paper survey by mail. UC has hired Willis Towers Watson to administer the survey on its behalf, and all information collected in the survey will remain confidential. More information about UC’s privacy policy is available at https://go.ucsd.edu/2olaPmo As a recipient of federal funds, the University of California and other federal government contractors are required to invite employees to self-identify their disability status every five (5) years. Although your participation is completely voluntary, we encourage you to take a minute to complete the one-question survey as soon as you receive it. UC will use the data collected to measure our employment practices and recruitment efforts, and the quality of our data depends on the participation of as many faculty and staff as possible. UC provides reasonable accommodation to employees who are disabled or become disabled and need assistance to perform the essential functions of their positions.
If you need accommodations:
For more information, please visit: