November 19, 2019
SUBJECT: | Reminder - Deadline Approaching: Study Abroad UC San Diego Faculty Co-Director |
Applications are invited from senate faculty (with tenure or security of
employment) interested in serving as the Faculty Co-Director of the
Study Abroad, UC San Diego Office. This position starts on January 1,
2020 for a three-year appointment. The full position description can be
found below.
Faculty Co-Directors play a central role in our international education
program, which includes Education Abroad Programs, Opportunities Abroad
Programs, and UC San Diego Faculty-led Global Seminars. Past directors
have found it highly rewarding to assist students with what has proven
to be one of the most important educational experiences of their
undergraduate years. Experience in the position can also provide key
preparation for selection and service as a Faculty Director in one of
the EAP study centers located around the world. Faculty with interest in
international education are encouraged to review the accompanying
position description and submit a letter of interest and current CV to
John Moore, Dean of Undergraduate Education at The
application deadline is Monday, November 25, 2019.
Elizabeth H. Simmons
Executive Vice Chancellor
Position Description:
Study Abroad UC San Diego is the academic support unit within Global
Education responsible for outreach and student advising for study,
volunteer, research, internship, and other educational opportunities
abroad. Study Abroad has been providing advice and information to
students about study abroad since UC San Diego began sending students on
Education Abroad Programs (EAP) in the 1960s. Study Abroad has decades
of experience assisting students to find other education abroad
opportunities that fit their needs through Opportunities Abroad Programs
(OAP) and through faculty-led program development, including the Global
Seminars. Study Abroad reaches out to all UC San Diego students in all
majors and at all levels. Staff members in Study Abroad collaborate with
academic departments to determine the best programs abroad for each
major, thereby integrating education abroad into the major. They also
select and orient all students going abroad and provide reintegration
support and programming for over 1,000 returnees annually. Undergraduate
and graduate/professional school students receive approximately $950,000
in study abroad scholarships each year.
The ideal Faculty Co-Directors will have previous administrative
experience working with academic advising staff and with undergraduate
students at UC San Diego and will have established connections and
relationships with faculty in divisions other than their own. The
Faculty Co-Directors will be motivated by working with a highly
passionate team of advisors towards the goals of making study abroad
opportunities accessible for all undergraduates at UC San Diego.
During the three-year appointment, the Faculty Co-Directors report to
the Dean of Undergraduate Education (DUE) and are ex-officio members of
the Senate Committee on International Education (CIE). They work closely
with the Director of Study Abroad on academic, administrative, and
student issues and initiatives in Study Abroad and provide a crucial
faculty perspective and academic credibility. Their positions are funded
in part by the Executive Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs (EVC) and in
part by the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP).
The Faculty Co-Directors are appointed by the EVC in consultation with
the DUE and the Senate Committee on International Education (CIE).
Administrative Responsibilities (to be shared):
. Represent Study Abroad as an ex-officio member at quarterly CIE
. Report to and meet annually with the DUE, submitting written
evaluations and reports annually
. Meet quarterly with the Faculty Director of Global Education
. Represent Study Abroad's EAP at system-wide quarterly Council of
Campus Directors (CCD) meetings and the annual UCEAP conference
. Meet regularly with Study Abroad Director to review policy and
academic issues and confer with staff as needed
. In conjunction with Study Abroad staff, represent Study Abroad's
programs at undergraduate recruitment efforts (Admit Day, Transfer
Students Day, Scholars Day, Fall Recruitment Fair, Freshman and Transfer
Student Orientations, etc.)
. Participate in quarterly campus-wide discussions of
internationalization and other meetings as appropriate
. Meet with representatives of Opportunities Abroad Programs at the
request of Study Abroad staff or the Interim Faculty Director of Global
. Participate as needed in student recruitment, advising, selection,
scholarship review, pre-departure orientation, and reentry advising
sessions. Faculty will approve selection of UC San Diego students for
the UC Education Abroad Program
. Participate in support of UC San Diego programs abroad, such as Global
Seminars, with faculty recruitment, advising, and selection; Foster
collaboration with campus partners, such as International House, the
Teaching + Learning Commons, and the Colleges
. Work with the Director of Outreach and Academic Engagement to
establish faculty liaisons in departments
. Spearhead recruitment of proposals and consult on the development of
budget requests for UCEAP Academic Integration grant proposals
Academic Responsibilities (to be shared):
. Collaborate on the development of new possibilities for study abroad,
including faculty-led summer and follow-on opportunities
. Participate in the process of resolving academic issues related to
study abroad for students, including requesting waivers, intervening
with departments, intervening with UCEAP and the Study Centers
. Assist with discussions of departmentally-based exchanges
. Support and promote the academic integration of study abroad course
work into college and departmental degree programs through regular
meetings with department faculty, chairs, and Divisional Deans
. With the Director of Outreach and Academic Engagement systematically
engage department chairs and faculty in discussions surrounding the
promotion of Global Concentrations within departments; assist
departments in developing the Global Concentration proposals to be
presented to the Academic Senate
. Work with UC San Diego American Council for Education
Internationalization Laboratory
( leadership group to
design and implement UC San Diego's internationalization restructuring
Student Selection Responsibilities (to be shared, as needed):
. Working with Study Abroad advisors occasionally interview, or arrange
for other faculty to interview, relevant students
. Occasionally evaluate student files that do not require interviewing