November 22, 2019
The University of California Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP) is a long-standing development program, designed to strengthen the engagement and preparation of UC supervisors and managers. The program offers a unique assessment experience for early-career managers and professionals. It is intended to build a valuable talent pipeline that creates opportunities for career growth and assists the university in succession planning and deployment of talent as workforce needs emerge and evolve. MSAP is best suited for individuals who have demonstrated a management career path (through education and/or experience) and is intended for individuals with 1-5 years of supervisory experience. Applicants must be career employees who have passed their probationary period and who have a minimum of one year of service at UC as of the application deadline. The application includes both an employee portion and a supervisor portion, and both parts must be completed by the deadline of Friday, January 10, 2020. Employees should plan accordingly to allow supervisors adequate time to complete the entire application. Applications submitted by the deadline will be considered for admission to either the spring 2020 (April 20-23) or fall 2020 (October 12-15) MSAP session. Applications will reopen again in May 2020 if there are remaining openings for the fall 2020 session. To apply, visit https://msap.ucr.edu/. Selected participants are required to complete pre-work assignments and a 360-degree feedback assessment in the months prior to attending MSAP. During MSAP, the selected participants will be guided through a series of structured exercises observed by trained coaches who offer feedback about strengths and development areas. Participants will also be coached to write an individual professional development plan. After MSAP, it is expected that the selected participants and their supervisors refine and implement the individual professional development plan. The programs are held at the UCLA Conference Center at Lake Arrowhead. The fee per selected participant will not exceed $1,525. The fee covers lodging and food for three days and three nights and a 360-degree feedback assessment. Staff Education and Development, a division of Human Resources, coordinates the program. To access the online application and learn more about MSAP, please visit: https://msap.ucr.edu/. The deadline to apply is Friday, January 10, 2020. Professional development is a core component of the UC San Diego staff experience. I encourage departments and supervisors to support interested employees in participating in this valuable opportunity for learning and development. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Linda Thai Schlossman, Principal Consultant - Organization Development, at (858) 534-2474 or via email at lthai@ucsd.edu.