I am pleased to announce the 2019-20 Course Development and Instructional Improvement Program (CDIIP). CDIIP provides funding to support faculty projects that enhance undergraduate instruction and to encourage faculty experimenting with new instructional technologies including the creation of digital resources and the development of hybrid or flipped courses. Funding is available in three forms:
* Small individual projects (<$5K) The CDIIP Committee looks for projects that can improve the quality of undergraduate education, impact many students, improve time-to-degree, and increase interactions between faculty and students, particularly at the lower-division level. We especially encourage proposals that address the varied needs and perspectives of our diverse student population. Faculty members are encouraged to develop projects with comprehensive strategies to improve undergraduate instruction in collaboration with their departments or academic units and the Teaching + Learning Commons (http://commons.ucsd.edu/). Proposals for funding are reviewed by the CDIIP Committee. The Executive Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs makes final allocation decisions. The CDIIP is not specifically aimed at supporting the development of fully-online classes. However, faculty interested in developing online classes are encouraged to discuss their interests with the Digital Learning Hub (http://online.ucsd.edu/) in the Commons. Alternate avenues of support for course development in these cases might be available (e.g. the UCOP Innovative Learning Technology Initiative: http://www.ucop.edu/innovative-learning-technology-initiative/).
Application criteria: Applications are due April 2, 2019 and can be found online at: https://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/evc/cdiip.html Awards will be announced at the end of May 2019. Funds will be available beginning July 1, 2019. Please contact John Moore, Dean of Undergraduate Education (DUE@ucsd.edu), for questions regarding the CDIIP.