In preparation for the April 12, 2019 SAPD RFP deadline, the SAPD Support Team led by Director Williams Ettouati, has planned a general information session to assist faculty and academic units with SAPD proposal development. Please join SAPD Support Team members on Wednesday, April 3 from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. in Conference Room 111a to ask questions regarding all SAPD program development areas, and to receive assistance with the financial model and budget preparation. Interested faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. SAPD General Q&A and Proposal Development Information Session
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
For additional information please visit:
********************************************************************************************** ACADEMIC AFFAIRS February 8, 2019 SUBJECT: Request for Proposals (RFP): Strategic Academic Program Development (SAPD) Initiative
I'm pleased to announce the second Request for Proposals (RFP) for the
Strategic Academic Program Development (SAPD) Initiative: UC San Diego launched the SAPD Initiative in spring 2018 to catalyze the development of academic offerings that enhance the experience and outcomes of students, strengthen UC San Diego's reputation in research and education, and grow institutional revenues to sustain investments in the education and research enterprise. The initial RFP yielded an outstanding set of proposals that were well aligned with the aims of the SAPD initiative. Proposals from the first RFP approved by the EVC for full development support include the following (a few additional programs are still under review):
. 3+2 Program in Engineered Structures and Systems (Structural
Engineering) The SAPD call for proposals (RFP) is divided into three sub-calls, each focused on a segment of opportunity: (A) graduate offerings (credit and non-credit); (B) concurrent enrollment; and (C) summer programs (credit and non-credit.) Program proponents are invited to submit by Friday, April 12, 2019 a response to one or more of the three RFP forms, including a model of program finances (SAPD Financial Model) for each offering.
SAPD Support Team members In addition, the following SAPD Workshops offer opportunities to engage with SAPD Support Team members and campus experts: Cohort Concurrent Enrollment Workshop: Monday, March 11, 2019 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Huerta/Vera Cruz Room RSVP by Friday, March 8 to sapd@ucsd.edu
Executive/Professional Education Opportunities Workshop: We look forward to working with UC San Diego faculty and academic units from all Divisions and Schools on developing an expanded set of innovative curricular and delivery opportunities. For additional information or to submit an application, please visit: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/sso/sapd/ (Single Sign-On Required) or contact SAPD Support Team Director, Williams Ettouati at wettouati@ucsd.edu.