June 18, 2019
Dear Colleagues: In accordance with UC Academic Senate Bylaws 90 and 95, voting is open for the following Memorial to the UC Regents. The U.C. Academic Senate petitions the Regents to divest the University’s endowment portfolio of all investments in the 200 publicly traded fossil fuel companies with the largest carbon reserves. UC Senate members systemwide are voting on the memorial, and if a majority of the valid ballots cast approve the Memorial, it shall be sent by the Chair of the UC Assembly to President Napolitano for submission to the UC Regents. As per Senate Bylaw 90, this systemwide vote follows consideration of the memorial by individual Divisions earlier this spring.
A brief account of the memorial’s procedural history, an explanation of
its provisions, and succinct statements of arguments in favor and
against the memorial are located on the following webpage:
All voting is electronic. Please use the following link to vote: The voting system will authenticate your identity via the campus Single Sign-On system and is designed to maintain the confidentiality of the voting process by keeping track of who has voted, but not how each member votes. Once the ballot is submitted, neither the voter nor anyone else can change the votes. To minimize technical difficulties while completing the voting ballot, please refrain from using your browser’s forward and backward buttons. Instead, use the “previous” and “next” buttons provided on the ballot form to navigate between screens. If you are unable to access the ballot electronically, you may contact Andrew Flores (aflores@ucsd.edu or 4-3640) to arrange to vote electronically in the Senate Office. Voting will continue until 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 19, 2019, the deadline for all votes to be cast. Thank you for voting.