August 5, 2019
I write to inform the campus community of recent organizational changes involving the Qualcomm Institute (QI) and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). The Qualcomm Institute and the San Diego Supercomputer Center are long-standing research organizations with vital interdisciplinary contributions to UC San Diego. Each has recently undergone a Senate ORU review and an administrative sustainability review to ensure their continued intellectual vitality and alignment with campus priorities. An important outcome of the review process involves the planned evolution of SDSC and QI toward a broader portfolio of activities, which may include expansion into educational efforts, such as general education offerings or undergraduate research programs in partnership with the residential colleges. Accordingly, while these units previously reported to the Office of Research Affairs, effective July 1, 2019, SDSC and QI now report to the Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office with Senior Associate Vice Chancellor Robert Continetti providing direct oversight. Senior Associate Vice Chancellor Continetti also provides oversight to other major interdisciplinary units on campus such as the Design Lab and Halicioglu Data Science Institute. Senior AVC Continetti and I look forward to working more closely with SDSC Director Michael Norman, QI Director Ramesh Rao, and their teams as they plot their future courses.