September 4, 2019
SUBJECT: | Faculty Participation in the New Student Welcome Convocation – Tuesday Morning, September 24, 2019, 11:00 a.m. |
Dear Colleagues:
We invite and encourage your participation in the 14th annual Welcome
Convocation for new undergraduate students. Please note that this event
has shifted to Tuesday morning, September 24, 2019, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. on RIMAC Field. Details are available at the following link:
Convocation is the inaugural academic event for new freshmen and
transfer students, and serves as their formal welcome into UC San
Diego's scholarly community, the figurative bookend to Commencement.
This year's ceremony will feature welcoming remarks by Associated
Students President Eleanor Grudin, Chancellor Pradeep Khosla, Executive
Vice Chancellor Elizabeth H. Simmons, Faculty Keynote Professor Gentry
Patrick (Neurobiology) and Alumni Board President Jeffrey Belk.
Following the ceremony, faculty and students will share an informal
lunch on the field. Signage will direct students to designated
division/school tables where they can gather and chat with faculty
representing each academic discipline.
Strong faculty participation in this milestone event demonstrates the
great value we place in this symbolic first step on our students'
academic journey. Studies have shown that students identify closer
engagement with faculty as one of the keys to a stronger student
experience. This year, we anticipate that we will welcome over 9,000 new
undergraduates to UC San Diego! We hope you will join us in giving them
a warm Triton welcome at Convocation. Faculty participants in previous
Convocation programs have shared that they truly enjoyed the opportunity
for engagement with our incoming class of undergraduates.
Participating faculty are invited to a pre-Convocation brunch reception
at 10:00 a.m. in the RIMAC Green Room, which will serve as the staging
and assembly area for the Convocation ceremony. Faculty should plan to
arrive no later than 10:30 a.m. as the processional to RIMAC Field will
begin at 10:45 a.m. (regalia will not be worn). Please RSVP to by Friday, September 20 if you plan to attend. We
hope to see you at Convocation!
Pradeep K. Khosla
Elizabeth H. Simmons
Executive Vice Chancellor
Maripat Corr
Chair, Academic Senate
San Diego Division |