Dear UC Faculty and Instructors,
The UC systemwide Senate is conducting a survey of instructors regarding remote instruction during the pandemic. Here is the link to the survey:
The deadline to complete the survey has been extended to Monday, May 31st.
If you have already completed the survey thank you! If you have not, please complete it now to ensure that your voice is heard. The information will help inform responses to instructional questions next year.
The systemwide Senate Office has provided the following response regarding anonymity: We have had a few questions about the anonymity of the responders. Some faculty have blockers set up on their computers that identify whether a survey is anonymous and they have been told our survey is not. First, we affirm that our survey is completely anonymous and there is no information in the survey that would enable us to identify who did it. However, if someone has this type of blocker, the survey might be flagged as not anonymous because we set it up to be sure that someone could complete it only once. To do this on Qualtrics, you do not select the anonymous setting. (In actuality, if anonymous is not set, the program logs the IP address of the device and not the identity of the individual. This means if two faculty try to do the survey on the same device, the second individual will be told they had already done it and not be let in.)