To faculty, lab managers, and other research leaders: Because research is an essential element of the UC San Diego educational experience, you should make an effort to support students in credit-bearing (honors, thesis, dissertation, independent study, experiential learning) research activity, without pressuring them to work on-site during the remote instruction period. If any member of your research team (student, staff, or postdoc) expresses concern about working on-site during this period, you should work with them to mitigate those concerns, either through mutually agreeable adjustments in on-site activity, or through their working off-site.
To students and postdoctoral scholars: If you have safety concerns about working on-site during this period, you should first discuss them with your PI or lab manager. Please work with them to develop strategies either to mitigate those concerns or to enable you to work off-site during the remote instruction period. If at any time you experience pressure to work on-site despite your concerns, you can get assistance from: