As we continue to improve our financial systems, direct feedback from users is an extremely valuable source of information.
If you are an Oracle Financial user, you should have received a Finance Systems Survey sent from VC/CFO Pierre Ouillet on Monday, Jan. 10, 2022, inviting feedback from all fiscal managers and contacts. This survey will be administered each quarter to help our finance team develop better solutions to on-going challenges, identify any new issues because of system upgrades, policy/process changes, and future integrations as well as strive for sustained progress and success along the way.
I encourage all of you who are financial managers and contacts to complete the survey and submit it by Monday, Jan. 24, 2022. The information you provide is a vital part of our improvement process, enabling us to focus on those areas that need further refinement and/or additional attention. Your responses will be anonymous.
For those of you in other roles, you will not receive the survey but you are welcome to contact the ESR program for feedback.
I want to thank you, in advance, for taking the time to provide your feedback. Your responses will be aggregated and shared with the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Finance Systems to ensure independent review and accountability are part of our overall improvement plan. Together, we can keep strengthening our financial systems day by day.
Best regards,
Elizabeth H. Simmons Executive Vice Chancellor
University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA, 92093