2021-2022 UC Academic Senate Survey of Faculty Life
Dear UC Faculty and Instructors,
We write to get input on your experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic this academic year. Undoubtedly you have been bombarded by surveys, and this exercise is not a research study. Instead, the UC Systemwide Academic Senate is reaching out to you to gather the voices of the faculty and instructors. Two previous Senate surveys, in 2020 and 2021, greatly helped us to convey accurately the broad array of faculty and instructor perspectives and pandemic experiences directly to the UC Administration, the UC Regents, and the California Legislature. Indeed, the Regents continue to refer to these surveys in their remarks, underscoring how important your voice can be.
We are sending this survey to all instructors of courses at the 9 UC undergraduate campuses. The survey should take about 15-20 minutes to complete and must be completed by midnight on June 25, 2022. We recommend that you do this in one sitting - depending on your browser settings, you may not be able to return and pick up where you left off if you exit midway. When you are ready to begin the survey, please use this link: https://uclahs.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8wuXeiEbPFM63xI
Your participation is completely voluntary and your responses are anonymous. If you have questions about the survey or how the data will be used, please contact Michael LaBriola, Assistant Director of the Systemwide Academic Senate (Michael.Labriola@ucop.edu).
We recognize that everyone is very busy, but we do hope you will share with us your experiences over the last academic year. We also wish to take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you have done for the University in these very trying times.
With our warmest regards,
Robert Horwitz 2021-22 Chair UC Academic Senate
Susan Cochran 2021-22 Vice Chair UC Academic Senate
Mary Gauvain 2020-21 Chair UC Academic Senate
University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA, 92093