It is my pleasure to announce the 2022 Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal recipients.
In Spring 2013, I partnered with the Graduate and Professional Student Association to introduce the Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal as an opportunity to recognize outstanding doctoral research. Recipients of this prestigious award are chosen based upon the quality of academic research as determined by the impact of the research to the field and/or department; the insight, originality, and creativity shown by the author; the effectiveness of the writing, clarity, and organization of the thesis; and the soundness of the methodology and quality of the data (when applicable).
Up to seven awards are bestowed annually based upon a review of faculty committees in the School of Arts and Humanities; the School of Biological Sciences including Health Sciences; Jacobs School of Engineering; the School of Physical Sciences; the School of Social Sciences including Rady School of Management and the School of Global Policy and Strategy; the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science.
2022 Chancellor’s Medal Awardees