ALL FACULTY AND STAFF AT UC SAN DIEGO (including UC San Diego Health System)
Rate Increases for Meals - Travel and Meetings/Entertainment
New rates apply to the maximum allowable per person amounts for meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) for travel, and for meals and light refreshments for entertainment and business meetings that occur on or after July 1, 2022.
TRAVEL The daily M&IE cap for travel within the continental United States for over 24 hours but less than 30 days has been increased to $79. This amount is not a per diem, but rather a limitation on actual expenses incurred that will be reimbursed.
Concur, UC San Diego's online travel expense reporting application, automatically applies the appropriate cap based on the trip start date. For more information on travel subsistence including M&IE and per diem, please see:
ENTERTAINMENT AND BUSINESS MEETINGS The following rates are the per person maximum amounts for entertainment and business meetings:
Concur also automatically applies the appropriate cap based on date and event information. The amounts include tax, service, and delivery charges. For more information including all categories of events, please see: