Pay Attestations
Dear Senate Faculty Colleagues,
We are delighted that the University has reached an agreement with the UAW on contracts with the Academic Researchers, Postdoctoral Scholars, Academic Student Employees, and Graduate Student Researchers. Thank you for your time, effort, and dedication during the strike and ensuring the continuity of education and research.
The University is legally required to align compensation with work effort provided to the institution, consistent with the award of federal grant funds and the allocation of State funds committed to the University as a public trust. These obligations are set forth in Uniform Guidance, 2 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Part 200, Art. IX, Sec. 9 of the California Constitution, and Regents Policy 7303: Policy on the Services Obligations and Leaves of Absence.
As you know, a strike is a work stoppage, meaning an employee decided to stop performing their job duties in support of a particular cause or issue. Because the employee did not perform their job duties, they are not eligible for wages that are paid in exchange for work performed.
Senate faculty members are lawfully entitled to sympathy strike activities without fear of retaliation. However, in accordance with legal requirements entailed in the University’s commitment to the responsible management of both state and federal public funds, if you decided to withhold your labor, your wages must be aligned with the labor withheld.
Accordingly, if you did not perform some of your work or job duties that you were scheduled/required to perform between November 14, 2022, through December 23, 2022, please complete the faculty attestation form and submit it to Cindy Palmer, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel at The deadline to submit the completed attestation form is January 23, 2023. This information will be used to verify pay eligibility and ensure appropriate payroll processing.
Elizabeth H. Simmons Executive Vice Chancellor
University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA, 92093