Call for Applications for Senate Research Grant and Travel Awards
Dear Colleagues:
The Health Sciences, Marine Sciences, and General Campus Research Grant Committees are pleased to solicit applications for research support for research projects and bridge funding. The next application deadline is March 17, 2023. Applications may be submitted any time, but please note that applications received after March 17th will be considered in Fall Quarter.
Health Sciences The Health Sciences Research Grant Committee is currently soliciting applications for research and bridge grant applications for funds beginning June 1, 2023. The maximum amount of a research award is $15,000 and the maximum amount of a bridge award is $40,000. Applications for Health Sciences travel awards are accepted on a rolling basis, with Academic Senate members eligible to receive a travel award every other fiscal year.
Marine Sciences The Marine Sciences Research Grant Committee is currently soliciting applications for research and travel grant applications for funds beginning June 1, 2023. The new maximum amount for a research or bridge award is $20,000.
General Campus The General Campus Research Grant Committee is currently soliciting applications for research and bridge grant applications for funds beginning June 1, 2023. The maximum amount of a research award is $20,000 and the maximum amount of a bridge award is $40,000. Applications for General Campus travel awards are accepted on a rolling basis, with Academic Senate members eligible to receive a travel award every fiscal year.
NOTE: Visit the Academic Senate eGrants site and click on Research Program Questions in the Data Dictionary to preview the application questions and the required documentation to complete the application. If you cannot complete it in one sitting, eGrant applications exist in the draft state until they are submitted. Therefore, you can create an application, logout, and return at a later date to continue working without losing your incremental changes.