Monday, Nov. 4 at 7 p.m.
Epstein Family Amphitheater
Free, Registration Required
Complimentary hot drinks and treats from 85° Bakery— available first come, first served!
Dear Colleagues,
I encourage you to consider joining me in attending and inviting your students to attend this evening’s engaging conversation with renowned author, cultural critic and thought leader, Roxane Gay.
This conversation culminates the Words of Welcome Common Read at UC San Diego that spotlighted the book, “American Like Me,” to which Roxane was a contributing author. This discussion will explore themes of identity, belonging, and resilience. Roxane, known for her powerful voice on issues of race, gender and social justice, will share her unique perspectives, making this a compelling and inspiring event for our campus community. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an important conversation on what it means to navigate identity and belonging in today’s world.
Use this link for more information on the event and this link for registration.