The Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) plays a vital role in supporting the academic success and well-being of UC San Diego’s undergraduate students. The DUE oversees the eight Undergraduate Colleges and the Undergraduate Colleges Business Office (UCBO), the Academic Integrity Office (AIO), the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD), and the Triton Testing Center (TTC), and works with schools, departments, and other campus partners to create a supportive and enriching academic environment.
The DUE is pleased to share a draft of our first DUE Strategic Plan, a roadmap designed to guide our efforts over the next several years. The development of this plan began in February 2024 and has been a collaborative effort, bringing together representatives from across DUE, students and our campus partners.
Seeking Your Input
To ensure that our plan represents the interests of the full campus surrounding undergraduate student education, we invite you to view our strategic plan and leave your feedback on our goals in our online survey
About Our Process
Our Strategic Planning Committee, composed of representatives from the AIO, OSD, TTC, UCBO, Summer Session, Teaching + Learning Commons, Institutional Research, a Provost and writing program director from the Colleges, a student representative from Associated Students, and a member from the Undergraduate Council (UGC), met every other week for focused planning sessions. In addition, we engaged an Advisory Board, which included partners from Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, Enrollment Management, Educational Innovation, the VC - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Office, the Executive Vice Chancellor’s office, the VC - Student Affairs and Campus Life office, the Undergraduate Council, an Equity-Minded Assessment Fellow, a representative from the Undergraduate Research Hub, Deans from the Colleges and a Department Chair to provide broad campus perspectives.
This grassroots process involved extensive research, consultations with colleagues experienced in strategic planning, and deep self-reflection. Over several months, we developed our vision, mission, and values statements, taking into account UC San Diego’s refreshed Strategic Plan goals, strategies, research themes and priorities, and incorporating feedback from our committee, DUE units, students, faculty, campus partners, and our advisory board.
We would like to thank our Strategic Planning Committee, our Strategic Planning Advisory Board, and everyone else who engaged with us during this process.
Thank you for your engagement and support as we work together to enhance undergraduate education at UC San Diego