Dear Faculty,
This is a reminder about the final roadshow to educate and support you in understanding the new APM 025 and APM 671 policy updates related to reporting of outside activities and conflict of commitment. These changes are impacting reporting in UC OATS, and we want to ensure a smooth transition for all faculty members. The changes go into effect July 1, 2024.
All faculty holding appointments in the following title series are subject to this policy however, faculty holding appointments of less than 50 percent time are not subject to the annual reporting and prior approval requirements:
(1) Professor, including Acting titles
(2) Professor in Residence
(3) Adjunct Professor
(4) Professor of Clinical (e.g., Medicine)*
(5) Health Sciences Clinical Professor*
(6) Clinical Professor of Dentistry*
(7) Lecturer with Security of Employment, including Acting titles
To address any questions or concerns you may have, representatives from the Conflict of Commitment, Conflict of Interest, Research Compliance and Integrity, two Sponsored Project Offices (SPOs), and Academic Personnel Services (APS) will be hosting this final roadshow. The sessions will provide an opportunity to learn about the policy updates, ask questions, and receive guidance on how to enter new information into UC OATS.
The final roadshow will be held via Zoom on the following date and time: Friday, June 28, 2024, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM via the Zoom information provided below.
Meeting ID: 931 8038 7694
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 931 8038 7694
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We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the policy updates and how they affect your reporting obligations in UC OATS.
Best Regards,