The Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) is pleased to announce Postdoctoberfest 2024, our month-long celebration of UC San Diego postdocs. Departments and postdoc mentors are encouraged to take this opportunity to recognize their postdocs during these annual celebrations.
To show your support and appreciation of our postdocs, we welcome you to stop by the GEPA office to pick up a Postdoctoberfest button to wear during the month of October and to download and use our Postdoctoberfestzoom background. We also encourage departments and mentors to schedule their own celebrations to recognize their postdocs during October.
GEPA is sponsoring a pizza party for all UCSD postdocs on October 1, to kick off this year’s celebrations. Other events include a Professional Headshot Photo Session,
Coffee Connection with the Postdoctoral Association, and Negotiating the Job Offer workshop. View the full schedule of 2024 Postdoctoberfest events at
We hope you will join us in recognizing the valuable contributions our postdocs make to research, to our campus, and to society.