Systemwide Review of Proposed Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual Sections 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave (APM - 715) and 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing (APM - 760)

Comment Period Ends 07/15/2022

April 22, 2022 Systemwide Review of Proposed Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual Sections 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave (APM - 715) and 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing (APM - 760) Cover Letter (pdf)

APM - 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave (clean copy) (pdf)

APM - 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave (redline copy) (pdf)

APM - 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing (clean copy) (pdf)

APM - 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing (redline copy) (pdf)

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