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1 - COVID-19 Related Policies

Section: 1-1
Rescinded: 04/09/2021
Effective: 10/21/2020
Supersedes: New
Next Review Date: 10/21/2023
Issuance Date: 11/13/2020
Issuing Office: Chancellor's Office

PPM 1-1 Policy [pdf format]
PPM 1-1 Supplement 1 [pdf format]




This Policy applies to all individuals who engage in Official University Travel including staff, faculty, students, and official guests of the University.





This policy addresses Official University Travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.





Official University Travel: travel for which the primary purpose is the business of the University. Examples of business purposes may be found in University of California Policy G-28 on Travel Regulations.


Essential Travel: Travel for purposes that are both mission critical to the unit and impossible to conduct without travel.


Traveler: The individual who is engaging in Official University Travel.


Travel Sponsor: The director of the unit sponsoring the Official University Travel.





1.     All Official University Travel shall comply with State, Local, and University of California requirements and restrictions.


2.     Given the risks inherent in travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, Official University Travel is restricted for the duration of this Policy. Only Essential Travel, as determined by both the Travel Sponsor and the appropriate Vice Chancellor, is permitted for the duration of this Policy. The Chancellor shall retain authority to approve other Official University Travel.


3.     Local units may develop implementing guidelines for this Policy and for applying travel restrictions.


4.     Those engaged in Official University Travel should take appropriate health precautions as recommended by public health authorities while traveling and upon their return to work.





The Vice Chancellor or Vice Chancellor's delegate and the Travel Sponsor have the authority to approve requested Official University Travel. Only Essential Travel shall be approved.





1.     Academic Personnel should follow the process available at https://aps.ucsd.edu/faculty-resources/covid-19/travel-preapproval.html;

Staff should consult with their supervisors for unit-specific approval processes.


2.     Students and nonacademic personnel should complete the Travel/Visitor Request Form (below), and submit to their supervisor/travel sponsor for review and approval.


3.     Official University Travel must be managed through the UC San Diego travel system (Concur). Trips should be registered with UC Travel Insurance.


4.     Travellers should submit requests for Official University Travel to their unit leaders (Travel Sponsors or supervisors).


5.     Unit leaders (supervisors or Travel Sponsors) should submit approved Travel Form to the appropriate Vice Chancellor for approval and return to Traveller, who shall attach the approved form to the trip request in Concur.


6.     Travellers must attach documented approval to the trip request in Concur.










1.     Center for Disease Control and Prevention Travel Guidelines:



2.     Current San Diego County Health Order, available at: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/community_epidemiology/dc/2019-nCoV/health-order.html


3.     University of California Coronavirus Updates for Employees:



4.     UC San Diego Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Patients & Visitors:



5.     UC San Diego Return To Learn website:



6.     UC San Diego Student Affairs COVID19 – Information for Students:



UC San Diego Policy & Procedure Manual:


7.     UC San Diego - PPM 516-30 Face Covering policy


8.     UC San Diego - PPM 516-31 COVID-19 Testing Program










10/21/2020 New policy.


11/13/2020 Minor technical edits to update policy hyperlinks.


Supplement 1



Form for Essential Travel Approval


Official business travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic must be pre-approved by the traveler’s supervisor or unit head and Vice Chancellor. Travel arrangements should be made through the Concur Travel System, and registered with UC Travel Insurance.


Academic Personnel should follow the process available at https://aps.ucsd.edu/faculty-resources/covid-19/travel-preapproval.html; students and non-academic staff should complete this form, and obtain approval from their supervisor/unit head and Vice Chancellor.


Official travel must be categorized as ESSENTIAL for business operations.


ESSENTIAL TRAVEL is both mission critical to the unit AND enables activity that is impossible to conduct without travel.


Those requesting approval to travel must articulate the essential nature of the planned travel and the reason why this travel cannot be delayed.


Travelers should consult the Travel During COVID-19 Information Hub available at https://blink.ucsd.edu/travel/before/index.html to identify the safety requirements and restrictions in place in the location to which they plan travel.


Those engaging in Official University Travel must be prepared to work remotely and/or self-isolate upon their return to San Diego, as may be required by either County of San Diego or campus policy in effect at that time.


Name/email of Traveler: _______________________________________________________

Department of Traveler: _______________________________________________________

Department Head (Name/email): ________________________________________________

Travel Destination: ___________________________________________________________

Travel Dates:  departure: ___________________           return: ____________________________

Please explain why this travel is mission-critical to the unit: ____________________________



Please explain why the activities to be conducted cannot be conducted without travel (through Zoom, teleconferencing, or using personnel local to the destination): _______________________________________________________________



Please explain why the travel cannot be delayed: __________________________________





___ I agree to work remotely and/or self-isolate upon my return from travel if required to do so by County or Campus policy.

___ I agree to review and follow CDC guidance regarding safety procedures while traveling, available at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/travel-during-covid19.html.

___ I will take appropriate health precautions against infection while traveling, including wearing a face covering, frequent hand washing, and practicing social distancing from others.


Signature of Traveler: ______________________________        Date: _________________


Travel Sponsor/Unit Head/Supervisor Approval:


_______________________________                                       Date: _________________


Title: ___________________________


Vice Chancellor Approval:


_______________________________                                       Date: _________________


Title: ___________________________


Once completed, please attach this form to the Concur Travel Requisition





10/21/2020 New policy.


11/13/2020 Minor technical edits to update policy hyperlinks.