UC San Diego

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270 - Ceremonies, Conduct, and Discipline

Section: 270-3
Rescinded: 08/13/2021
Effective: 12/01/1997
Supersedes: 11/14/1989
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 12/01/1997
Issuing Office: Police/Campus Security

PPM 270-3 Policy [pdf format]



I.           REFERENCES


             A.       California Vehicle Code, 21113(f), 21200, 39002, 39004


             B.       UCSD Bicycles/Skateboards/Rollerskates Code Sections


The UCSD regulations, Code Section 600.00, Bicycle and Skateboard Enforcement Code, was developed to help reduce the risk of accidents and to ensure a safe environment for the campus. The codes are available from the Campus Police.


II.          POLICY


The Chancellor, on behalf of The Regents of the University of California, is authorized pursuant to sections 21113(f), 21200, 39002, and 39004 of the California Vehicle Code to set forth conditions and regulations pertaining to the operation and parking of vehicles and bicycles upon the grounds of the University.


Violations may be enforced by warnings, impoundment, citations, and fines.




A.       Reckless or Unsafe Riding


Any person who operates a bicycle in a reckless or unsafe manner, with undue regard for the safety of persons or property, is guilty of this section.


B.       Bicycle Areas


1.       Riding bicycles is prohibited in all campus buildings and on the decks of Mandeville Center.


2.       Riding bicycles is prohibited in any area where signs are posted restricting such activity.


C.       Bicycle Parking, Where Prohibited


Bicycles shall be left, parked, or stored on University property only in areas specifically designated by the presence of racks or other devices designed for bicycle parking or when designated by the posting of signs indicating the space as a “Bicycle Parking Area.” 


Bicycles shall not be parked or stored in the following locations and are subject to warning, citation, and impoundment:


1.       Normal entrance to or exit from any building on the University. This includes hallways, corridors, exits, stairwells, or any area designed and constructed to provide safe passage for building occupants in both normal circulation and emergency exiting from the building.


2.       Vehicular or pedestrian passageways on any street, highway, parking lot, parking space, parking lot access, walkway, footpath, building exit, stairwell or sidewalk.


3.       In such a condition or location as to be considered abandoned.  The impound fee may be waived if the bicycle is shown not to have been abandoned.  It may be sold at auction if not claimed within 90 days.


4.       Access ramps that interfere with or impede the normal movement of wheelchairs, such as a railing installed for the purpose of assisting the movement of disabled persons.


5.       Areas where signs are posted indicating that bicycle parking is prohibited.  Such signs will bear the legend “NO BICYCLE PARKING'”.


6.       On any lawn or landscaped area except in those areas designated as a bicycle parking area by the presence of racks or other parking devices or signs indicating the areas as bicycle parking areas. Bicycles parked in designated parking zones may not extend into landscaped areas. (Bicycles may not be parked in any way so as to interfere with the maintenance of landscaped or lawn areas.)


7.       Any handrail, tree, shrubbery, door, sign post, telephone pole, lamp post, or other object not maintained or designated for the purpose of securing bicycles.


8.       Within six feet of an entrance or exit unless a bicycle rack or parking device or marked bicycle spaces are provided within that distance.


9.       On any building access or egress ramp.


D.       Authority to Remove or Impound Bicycles


Any University police officer or designated employee authorized by the Chief of Police may remove the securing mechanism using whatever reasonable means are necessary to impound any bicycle which is:


1.       Blocking or otherwise impeding normal entrance to or exit from any building on the University.


2.       Blocking or otherwise impeding traffic on any street, highway, parking lot access, roadway, path, or sidewalk.


3.       Found in violation of any of the sections mentioned in the UCSD Bicycle code.


Employees so authorized to remove and impound a bicycle in this manner and the University shall not be liable to the owner of the securing device or the owner of the bicycle for the cost of repair or replacement of such securing device.


E.       Bicycle Impound Fee


1.       Any bicycle impounded pursuant to any section in this chapter shall be stored in a secure facility designated for such purpose by the Chief of Police.


2.       A $10 fee shall be charged to the owner prior to the release of any impounded bicycle. Any bicycle being released must also be properly registered prior to the release.


3.       Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be retained to support programs related to bicycle safety, bicycle parking, the security of bicycles, or the enforcement of those laws and regulations relating to bicycles or reasonably related matters.


F.       Bicycle Impound Review


This section will allow for a review procedure at the administrative level. All appeals related to unlicensed bikes will be denied. After 90 days, unclaimed bicycles may be sold at auction.


G.       Mandatory Registration of Bicycles on Campus


1.       All bicycles used, stored, parked, or operated on the University (except the UCSD Medical Center) shall be licensed with a valid California bicycle license.


2.       Bicycles may be registered at the University Police station. The fees required to be paid pursuant to Section 39004 are:


a.       For each new bicycle license and registration certificate, the sum shall not exceed two dollars ($2) per year or any portion thereof.


b.       For each transfer of registration certificate, the sum shall not exceed one dollar ($1).


c.       For each replacement of a bicycle license or registration certificate, the sum shall not exceed one dollar ($1).


d.       For each bicycle license renewal, the sum shall not exceed one dollar ($1) per year.


3.       Bicycle licenses and renewal stickers shall be displayed below the bicycle seat on the bicycle frame facing forward consistent with the guidelines outlined in the California Vehicle Code.


4.       Removal, defacement, or alteration of the tag is forbidden. Upon change of ownership, or destruction of a licensed bicycle, the owner shall notify University Police within ten working days, excluding campus holidays, in writing.


5.       Violation of this section may result in a citation and fine.